速報APP / 財經 / Investec Youth

Investec Youth





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Investec Youth(圖1)-速報App

The Investec Youth App is an online banking application for Investec Youth Account holders. The application is only available to clients with the Youth Account from Investec Private Banking South Africa.

The Youth App is available for your smartphone and tablet.

Investec Youth Account: View your balance, recent transactions and transfer money to or from your savings account

Savings: View your balance and recent transactions, and make quick transfers to or from your Youth Account

Investec Youth(圖2)-速報App

Goals: Set and track goals on your savings account

Pay: Add and pay beneficiaries

Buy airtime: Buy SMS bundles, data and airtime from South African service providers

Investec Youth(圖3)-速報App

Security: Activate In App authentication messaging for secure banking

Resend card pin: Resend your card pin by SMS

How to access your account via the Youth App:

Use your Investec Online ID and Password that you use to log into Investec Online to get started in the App.

Investec Youth(圖4)-速報App

Only Investec Youth Account clients can use the Youth App.

For help, contact the Client Support Centre on 0860 110 161 or +27 11 286 9663

Investec Youth(圖5)-速報App